Despre noi

Campingul nostru este amplasat la aproximativ 36km de Tulcea, pe DJ222C. Din Tulcea, puteti ajunge la noi pe următoarele rute:

  • Tulcea, Malcoci, Nufaru, Victoria, Bestepe, Mahmudia, Murighiol
  • Tulcea, Agighiol, Valea Nucarilor, Colina, Sarinasuf, Plopu, Murighiol

Ne mandrim cu o vasta experienta in domeniul pescuitului, dar si cu o foarte buna cunoastere a zonei, astfel incat va putem oferi o vacanta de neuitat, in care va veti bucura pe deplin de Delta Dunarii.

Spatiul de campare poate fi usor de gasit, deoarece se afla langa soseaua principala, mai exact la doar 350m de intrarea in localitatea Murighiol dinspre Mahmudia. Acesta se afla intr-o gospodarie modesta, loc in care veti avea posibilitatea de a descoperi atat farmecul traditional romanesc, cat si frumusetea naturii specifice acestei zone a Romaniei.

Cateva dintre avantajele campingului nostru sunt urmatoarele: linistea, confortul, ospitalitatea gazdei, conditiile sanitare si un gazon perfect ce va așteaptă sa campati.

De foarte multe ori, cuvintele nu pot descrie realitatea, asa ca va invitam cu mare drag sa descoperiti tainele deltei.


  • acum 4 ani
    Camping curat,grup sanitar curat,gazde primitoare,plimbarea cu barca inedită. Recomand campare ptr iubitorii de delta (Translated by Google) Clean camping, clean bathroom, welcoming hosts, unique boat ride. I recommend camping for delta lovers
    - florin banica
  • acum 4 ani
    Recomand cu drag aceasta oaza de relaxare. Gazdele sunt oameni primitori, amabili, mereu atenti ca toata lumea sa se simta bine. Plimbarea cu barca in Delta a fost uimitoare iar dl. Dan ne-a oferit informatii si ne-a răspuns la toate întrebările. Curățenia in camping este exemplara, gazonul este foarte bine îngrijit, am stat in picioarele goale in iarba ca in copilarie. Multumim pentru ospitalitate! (Translated by Google) I highly recommend this oasis of relaxation. The hosts are welcoming, kind people, always careful that everyone feels good. The boat ride in the Delta was amazing and Mr. Dan gave us information and answered all our questions. The cleanliness in the campsite is exemplary, the lawn is very well maintained, I stood barefoot in the grass as a child. Thank you for your hospitality!
    - Buzner Alice
  • acum 5 ani
    A beautiful campingsite with all the facilities you need for a nice and comfortable stay. Here you can also make a beautiful boattour on the Donaudelta and watch the pelicans and cormorans and many more birds.
    - Marja Flierman
  • acum 6 ani
    Utilizatorul nu a scris o recenzie. A lăsat doar o evaluare.
    - PAUL Gheorghe
  • acum 7 ani
    Cozy place with welcoming flexible owners. They do their best to speak English and offer fresh fish meals caught the same day by Dan. You can also let them take you on a boat trip in the near Delta area through all the narrow passages. Quiet place. Not a lot of shadow because its relatively new, but the trees are planted and growing in time. Very clean bathrooms. Highly recommended!
    - Herman Janssen
  • acum 8 ani
    (Translated by Google) Clean, small camping. Three toilets and two showers. Very friendly owners, they were waiting for us to arrive at 2 am. The owner also organizes cruises on the Danube Delta but relatively expensive. (Original) Czysty, mały camping. Trzy toalety i dwa prysznice. Bardzo sympatyczni właściciele, czekali na nas przyjazd do 2 w nocy. Właściciel organizuje też rejsy po delcie Dunaju ale stosunkowo drogie.
    - Piotr Francuzik